So I would like to tell you a lil bit about my brothers and sisters! So in this picture there is obviously Troy and me ha ha but starting after me we have...... In order of oldest to youngest. Phillip, Crystal, Levi, Rachel, and Garrett:) Now to say a lil something about my clan....
Phillip: He is my oldest brother. He has always been so great to me! He is married to Ashley, who is gorgeous! He has always been an example to me and he is the one who is always the voice of reason. Him and Ashley live here in Utah both working for the law enforcement. Phil is a UHP officer and Ashley goes to school and works as a dispatcher of some kind?! I love my brother so much and I am so grateful for his example! Thank you both for making our special day even more special:)
Crystal: She is my older sister. We share a connection that is valuable to me. She is hard working, honest and I believe she is very brave! Even though she lives far away in California with her man Cory. I still long for her to be here with us. She has always told me to believe in myself in all that I do and say! She has always been easy to talk to. She loves and cares for those who can't care for themselves. My big sister has taught that there is more to life then just sitting around thinking about yourself. She has taught me that when times get hard that there is someone who knows what you are going through and all you have to do is ask him for help. So get down on your knees and pray to the one who longs to listen! She is brave because she lives far away and is able to do it. If I was her I would be dying of home sickness. Her and Cory moved from Las Vegas to California and she didn't have job when she got there. She said " I know I will be OK because I am a hard worker " She has always been here to help me through my tough times! So I would like to say a big THANK YOU to my BIG sister Crystal!!! I love you
Levi: He has always been here for me. We get along so well because he is right before me. We used to do everything together. But then he married a wonderful, HOT Rachel!! Yes two Rachel's in one family does get really confusing lol He has always known how to get me out of sticky situations! He is my big brother who lives close and who I can tell everything of everything to! I love them both! Oh, and they have a super cute baby boy named Ethan. He is not so babyish now but he is super super cute!!! He turns one year old in November! I would also like to say thank you for making our day special:)
Rachel: My sweet, strong, bright lil sister! Rachel is one of a kind! She is photogenic and wonderful to be around. When you are with her you can't help but laugh when she is laughing! She brings a light into a room that makes you feel something that you cant explain. She has to be the strongest of all us! She will graduate this coming year and we are all super proud of her! I just want her to know that me and Troy are always here for you! We love you and care for you more then we are able to express. Rachel, I know that you are strong and brave and that you will make it through every trail, struggle, heartache and sorrow of your life! You have always been a bright young women who knows what is up! I love you so very much! Just continue being as strong as you are! You have family and friends who are always here for you. I love you and I am here for you when you need me! Thank you for being one to make the process of the wedding bright and enjoyable:) Stay strong!
Last but not least... Garrett: This lil brother of ours has to be the Smartest of us all. He has never once sluffed or anything! How does he do it ha ha He is bound and determined to get a 4.0 in school so that he can have my dad help him buy a truck. Very smart move dad!! ha ha Garrett is a wonderful lil brother. Even though he can totally take me now, which is completely unfair on so many levels lol jk he is the best lil brother anyone could ask for. He has always been willing to share what he knows and help you understand Gods plan! He will be a GREAT missionary when the time comes!! He turns sixteen in February! Blah he is getting so big ha ha I love you lil brother:) Thank you for also helping us make our big day so great!
Ladies and Gentlemen... those are my Brothers and Sisters!!! They are the greatest people you could ever come in contact with:)
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