Monday, October 20, 2008

Over due Wedding Pics 08/26/2008

All the pictures are out of order! So lets just make the best of it! Here we go....

Dont you just LOVE my shoes? They killed my feet for sure! But, it was still a fun filled day at Memorial Park in Salt Lake City. If you haven't guessed it.... this is a bridal pic and there are some more where this one came from! ha ha

This pic is one of the BEST! This was all Troy's idea. Isn't it so great?! I love the Temple in the back ground!!! Yes we were married in the Salt Lake Temple:) Oh what a Wonderful day! He is all mine and I his for all ETERNITY! That is so great to say ha ha

Look at the emotion in this one!? oh man I ABSOLUTLY LOVE IT! Troy is so Handsome!!!!

This pic was taken when we were sharing our "vows" but more like a claim on each other or something! Sharing our words of love and such! Yes he did make me cry:) but this pic doesn't show that ha ha

This pic was also at the Temple. Oh I just love the feeling you have when you look into your hubby's eyes for the..... well like my hundredth time for the day ha ha but it still feels like the first time. Even now I feel the exact same way!! I love being Married to Troy:)

This pic is funny to me. The lil man is Troys nephew Kayden. We were doing the dollar dance and he came up, handed me the money then ran away ha ha it was so funny! but he came back and we danced!!

This pic cracks me up ha ha obviously Troy is on left and on the right is his brother Corey. He was one of the Best Men. Don't they just make you want to laugh ha ha oh man! :)

This is my all time FAVORITE bridal pic. I just love it. I love the color, texture, look, and ME ha ha I just love the way everything was captured. Its one of Troys favs too!

This is the all the Best Men and Us. Starting from the Left. Me, Troy, Corey, Trevor and Shaun
Don't they just look so handsome!!! The great thing is they can totally wear those shirts again!! :)

This pic is just amazing! I believe it self explanatory!? Hope so cause it rocks lol

Awwww smell the pretty flowers!!! My sister Ashley did all the flowers for the wedding! With the help of my moms good friend Elizabeth!!

Oh man WE are so GOOD LOOKING!!!!
Our future kids are going to be HOT lol oh man

That is my dad and me. He is the most amazing man you will ever meet. Our song was " I loved her first" by Heartland. I just remember being held in his arms and I just started crying! ha ha One because, well its a daddy daughter dance! Two because he just kept saying " Me and your mom are so proud of the choices that you and Troy have made! I love you Heather" See isn't he the Greatest!! He said he loved me:)

This one was the start of the daddy daughter dance! This was when he said " Don't cry, its too late to turn back time" ha ha dad! but it still made me cry:)

This is the BESTEST pic EVER of my Troy!!!! Doesn't he look so HAPPY!! ha ha He is dancing with his... I'm mean our sister in law Hilary. It was the money dance

Let me just say that the water was FREEZING ha ha oh man but we just wanted to do one where I was holding my dress up! I look like a marshmallow lol ha ha

Alrighty, so that was some of the great days before the wedding. (which would be the bridials) and then the day it self! I will have to continue tomorrow!! Yippee let the fun continue:)


Bridgette said...

Looks good! I am excited to see more! I love you guys! Your pictures are adorable! :D

Brynnly and Alan said...

Heather! You are such a beautiful bride! I love all your pictures. Stunning! Thank you for posting these!

Coach Heather said...

oh thanks:) I have come to really like the posting to my blog ha ha there is more to come!!!

Lilli Francesca said...


I love your wedding pictures, I love your shoes and all your bridals, all the pictures turned out so beautiful. Thanks for always being there for me and trying to include me in Rockband the other night. I'm sorry if I'm a pooper sometimes.. I'm just so moody, but thank you for understanding me and being there! You and Troy were meant to be together from the very beginning and we love hanging out with you guys! Let's keep up with game nights.. your place Saturday was so fun!