Monday, November 3, 2008

Lost Holiday.....

So the year is coming to a close. Looking back on it all I wonder how I was able to get where am at this very moment?! I love the Holidays! I love most of the smells... as long as you don't have like more then one scent being lit or anything ha ha I love the trees, the food, the laughter, the tears of joy, and so much more!! I just have a hard time with the music ha ha that should be one of the most exciting things right? Well I love to listen to it when it is at least the day after Thanksgiving. I feel as if Thanksgiving is a forgotten holiday! Yes, we get together as family and friends, we talk, eat and laugh just the same. But, we go from having Halloween music to Christmas music. You don't hear in the Christmas music anything about Thanksgiving do you? I don't think so! So how come people say that they are intertwined? I don't think they are... but then again everyone is entitled to an opinion! So you can't get to mad I guess ha ha I just wish that Thanksgiving was a more acknowledged holiday. I can't wait to spend my First big holiday's with my sweet hubby!!!! The fun is just beginning:)


Coach Heather said...

I am not saying that it is so painful to hear. I just am stubborn and set in my ways!! Who isn't?

Brynnly and Alan said...

I hear ya. I don't put in my famous christmas cd until the day after Thanksgiving. It's just too soon! :)

Trevor and Hilary said...

I totally agree!! You have such a cute blog. I just skimmed through all of your posts and they were great! I love reading peoples posts it helps me get to know them better. Which is what I hope I get to do with you guys!! Of course we still need to hang out more :) Love you guys!!