Wednesday, June 25, 2008

SO SCARED.... ;(

well lets just say we all know that i am getting married. We all know that I am scared to death about a few things! For example: Brazilian wax!! blah that is so freaky to me I just don't know. The girl doctor too! blah I don't know what to expect really. Not only did I think that being a girl already was complicated sometimes but now I just found we get to be even more complicated in our sweet hairless back kinda world!! ha ha I really don't know how I feel about the entire thing? I know that I really want to be doing something else with my time rather then being anywhere but in the place and seat that I will soon be in.( mainly just the stuff before the wedding itself lol) I thought that getting married was going to be FUN! ha ha I know it will but this part of it totally sucks. Every year ugh us girls have it tough. so guys stop complaining. At least you never have to have blood coming out of you once a month for practically the rest of you life!!:) Sorry its a bit graphic but its the bitter truth!!!


Brynnly and Alan said...

Enjoy the process! You only plan a wedding once and once it's over, it's over! So enjoy. This is such a fun time in your life. Also, just do the freakin wax! Stop being such a baby! It's not that bad! ;)